Magnify Mentoring supports a global community of people who are motivated to have a positive impact with their careers and lives. Our team and expert advisors pair mentees who are interested in pursuing high-impact careers with more experienced mentors for a series of one-on-one meetings. On average, mentees and mentors meet once a month for 60-90 minutes. To facilitate discussion, we provide optional prompt questions. Through our Slack and multiple networking events we offer mentees access to a broader community with a wealth of professional and personal expertise. We also run training led by external professionals on a diversity of topics such as public speaking, building networks, and setting professional and personal boundaries, catered to our mentees needs.

Magnify Mentoring applications are now closed for mentees (July 2024). You can express interest here. We will contact you next time the rounds open.
Past mentees have been particularly successful when they have a sense of what they would like to achieve through mentorship. The matching process normally takes us between 4-6 weeks. We look to match pairings based on the needs and availability of the mentee and mentor, their goals, career paths, and what skills they are looking to develop.
On average, mentees and mentors meet once a month for 60-90 minutes with a series of optional prompt questions prepared by our team. In the post-round feedback form, the average for “I recommend being a Magnify mentee” was 9.28/10 in Round 3 and 9.4/10 in Round 4.​ You can see testimonies from some of our mentees here, here and here.
Some reported outcomes for mentees were:
Advice, guidance, and resources on achieving goals.
Connection and support in pursuing opportunities (jobs, funding).
Specific guidance (How to network? How to write a good resume?).
Joining a welcoming community for support through challenges.
Magnify Mentoring would not be possible without the generosity and expertise of our mentors. In addition to supporting our mentees' personal and professional goals, mentoring is often described by our mentors as an opportunity for growth and fulfilment.
When you sign up to mentor with Magnify, you receive an onboarding email with resources, a guidance sheet with conversational prompts, and information on when the next round will start. We are aware of our mentor’s limited time and will only suggest arrangements matching the amount of time you specify in your application form. On average, mentors and mentees meet once a month for 60-90 minutes. These meetings are loosely guided by the Guidance Sheet. Rounds last six months.
Two weeks before a new round, we suggest potential mentee matches for your approval. Once a potential match is agreed to, we introduce you to your potential mentee for a meeting to determine fit. After we ask you to complete a form letting us know if it was a good fit. If you give us the go-head, you will continue to meet.
We will check-in and are always there to support you during your mentoring journey (and after!).